The SEN mumma here to support SEN parents on their journey

the SENmumma is a network of parents & professionals who can support you on your SEN pathway.


parents of SEN kids can feel isolated, exhausted with their own needs not even on the todo list. Self Care and community is necessary for survival... 

being a SEN parent is exhausting

It can often impact a family's ability to work and earn money, manage the needs of other family members and their own. It can restrict a families ability to travel (this could amount to just being able to go to the shops)  it can sometimes also affect allowing visitors into the home. Families may also be dealing with violent behaviours.

Without a solid support network and a grounded practice of self care the isolation, stress and trauma can impact on your relationships and your health.

The SENmumma, a free service to parents, includes a mentoring network to provide support and shared experience from other skilled Mumma's. Once a month meetups for parents, both online and IRL in London and central Suffolk. With a focus on beginning your mental health self care practice, using visualisation, mindfulness and community.

You can also apply for one to one Self Care Coaching with Athene.

support for a SEN Parent is thin on the ground, and the stress that comes with fighting for resources for your kids can literally leave you feeling like you have PTSD…... the SENmumma is here to support YOU.

the SENmumma self care

The SEN mumma

who is SENmumma ?

Athene Romer Lee

Athene, a New Business Director in Advertising, is Mumma to Jack, a preverbal 4 year old with an ASD diagnosis. As with any new parent, the transition to parenthood is a momentous shift. None more so than when you encounter anything beyond the 'norm'…

…navigating the SEN pathway, and all it has to offer, has been an eye opening and heart opening experience. It's a LOT.

Having trained as a CTI CoActive coach while pregnant in 2018, Athene wanted to put those skills to good use within the SEN community. Offering free coaching support for families, navigating emotional wellbeing and self care, and creating a mentoring network of SENmumma's who can bring the power of their knowledge and experience to help you on your way.

Athene's approach is to facilitate your self care practice on both a practical and emotional level, using visualisation, mindfulness and an underlying mindset of curiosity. Being a parent is taxing  but when you have a child with behaviours that lean towards ASD, ADHD, PDA, ODD, ARFID (the list goes on) there is a desperate need to carve out a space for healing and rejuvenation for the carers through the use of visualisation, mindfulness, self care check ins and a healthy dose of moral support.

If you would like be a SENmumma mentor please get in touch.

If you would like to be a sponsor please contact us on

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